Monday, June 6, 2011

In Which Emma is Quite Angry With Me

Hello guys! I'm just posting to let you know there's going to be a slight delay with the blog. While playing this weekend, I had some major glitch issues when I updated my mods. My game went ape shit crazy. I'd put the cursor over Zhan or Emma and someone else's name would pop up. Their images were gone from the portrait panel. I restarted my game and suddenly Jo was a teen, Bloom was a child, and Aurora was a mere shine in her parents' eyes. And unfortunately that was the newest save game I had. I had to take out all my mods and cc and I'm adding them back in a couple at a time and testing them. Fortunately everything is working okay so far. But  I've got to replay quite a bit once I get the mods and cc added back in. Or maybe what's happened will all be a dream. I'll have to ponder.

Also real life calls. The first chapter of my dissertation is due next week, and I've got loads of work to do to get a draft done by then. The weekend after that my parents are visiting. (I've got lots of cleaning to do!)  So between my dissertation, my parents and retesting all of my mods and cc, I probably won't  be able to post the next chapter for a week or two. And then again, maybe I will. I am a champion procrastinator, and playing the Sims is my very favorite way to put off important work. Emma is very angry with me (but she's delighted to be younger again).


  1. Good luck with all the testing, cleaning and your dissertation. I'm looking forward to reading about the Books!

  2. Just wanted to let you know I've really been enjoying your blog and those crazy Books. Stupid glitches! I will patiently wait until the stars align and you're able to update again. Good luck with everything!

  3. Thanks guys! Just this afternoon, I FINALLY figured out what was causing my glitches, so I'm back to playing and I'm almost caught up. Their ages are a bit off and Aurora isn't quite as adorable as before, but some things are better than before. But I'll save those for the blog.
