This has absolutely nothing to do with the legacy, but I found it amusing nonetheless. I inserted my fantastic simself into the game and I wanted her to have more kids because simself's current child is the town brat. So, I used master controller and the pollinate feature thinking that this would create a little sim between simself and simself's husband. Little did I know that I was so wrong--but it had amusing results. Guess who the father of simself's new child is?
Yes, little Jo, little toddler Jo is a father!
She totally looks like a new father! |
She even got a positive moodlet from the birth!
And little Jo's son name was changed from Elton to Gerald. Pity. I liked Elton better.
And now Gerald is, inadvertently, part of the Book Family tree.
And Jo being the awesome sim that she is rolled wants to hold him and teach him to walk as soon as she aged up into a child. So in the end, this made me love Jo even more.
Twallan's mods are so much fun!
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